Huachen Gao 高华辰
gaohuachen712 at gamil dot com

I am a second-year master student in National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology, Peking University, under the supervision of Prof. Ronggang Wang. Before that, I received my B.Eng degree of Computer Science and Technology from Shandong University as outstanding student. My research interests include neural rendering (NeRF, 3D Gaussian Splatting), 3D AIGC, and multi-view stereo.

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I am actively looking for the PhD opportunity in 2025 Fall.

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Published papers are listed below. (♣Equal contribution, #Corresponding author)

Large Point-to-Gaussian Model for Image-to-3D Generation
Longfei Lu♣, Huachen Gao♣, Tao Dai, Yaohua Zha, Zhi Hou, Junta Wu, Shutao Xia#
ACM Multimedia (ACM MM), 2024
Disentangled Generation and Aggregation for Robust Radiance Fields
Huachen Gao♣, Shihe Shen♣, Wangze Xu, Rui Peng, Luyang Tang, Kaiqiang Xiong, Jianbo Jiao, Ronggang Wang#
The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024
[paper] [project page] [code] (coming soon)
Gaussian Splatting
MVPGS: Excavating Multi-view Priors for Gaussian Splatting from Sparse Input Views
Wangze Xu, Huachen Gao, Shihe Shen, Rui Peng, Jianbo Jiao, Ronggang Wang#
The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024
[paper] [project page] [code] (coming soon)
Surface-Centric Modeling for High-Fidelity Generalizable Neural Surface Reconstruction
Rui Peng, Shihe Shen, Kaiqiang Xiong, Huachen Gao, Jianbo Jiao, Xiaodong Gu, Ronggang Wang#
The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024
[paper] [code] (coming soon)
FDC-NeRF: Learning Pose-Free Neural Radiance Fields With Flow-Depth Consistency (Oral Presentation)
Huachen Gao, Shihe Shen, Zhe Zhang, Kaiqiang Xiong, Rui Peng, Zhirui Gao, Qi Wang, Yugui Xie, Ronggang Wang#
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024
[paper] [slide] 
N2MVSNet: Non-Local Neighbors Aware Multi-View Stereo Network
Zhe Zhang, Huachen Gao, Yuxi Hu, Ronggang Wang#
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023
Bi-ClueMVSNet: Learning Bidirectional Occlusion Clues for Multi-View Stereo
Zhe Zhang, Yuxi Hu, Huachen Gao, Ronggang Wang#
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2023
PDANet: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Using Perceptual and Data Augmentation Consistency
Huachen Gao♣, Xiaoyu Liu♣, Meixia Qu#, Shijie Huang
Applied Sciences, 2021, SCI, JCR-Q2

Peking University
Master of Science in Computer Science
Under the supervision of Prof. Ronggang Wang
Sept. 2022 ~ July. 2025 (Expected)
Shandong University
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (with Honours)
Outstanding Graduate of Shandong Province
Sept. 2018 ~ July. 2022


Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence
Research Intern at BAAI-Vision
Research on 3D content generation
Advised by Dr. Baorui Ma and Dr. Xinlong Wang
Apr. 2024 ~ Now



Research Intern at Hunyuan
Research and develop Hunyuan's 3D AIGC ability
Aug. 2023 ~ Jan. 2024

2022.06: Honours Bachelor of Engineering in Shandong University (Top 5% in Shandong University)
2022.04: Outstanding Graduate of Shandong Province (Top 0.1% in Shandong Porvince)
2021.04: Honorable Mention Award of MCM/ICM (Top 20% Worldwide)
2020.11: National First Prize in Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelling (Top 0.6% in China)
2020.02: National Second prize of 2020 China Engineering Robotics Competition



  • Conference: ACM MM'24


Software Copyrights/Patents:
Augmented reality technology based starnight simulation system (2020SR0837054)

Language: Chinese, English (CET-4 640 | CET-6 570)
Programming: Python, C/C++, Java, Blender

Last update: July 2024. / Thanks for the awesome template.